Scientists have moved the time of the Doomsday Clock - Concern over Donald Trump’s cabinet picks and Climate Change
Scientists have moved the time of the Doomsday Clock - Concern over Donald Trump’s cabinet picks and Climate Change
Scientists have moved the time of the Doomsday Clock counting down humanity’s dying days closer to midnight, with the dials now set at two and a half minutes to 12am – the highest danger level facing the planet since 1953.
A global failure to fight climate change and concern over Donald Trump’s cabinet picks were cited as reasons for the increased threat to the planet. The clock had been set at three minutes to midnight since 2015.
The threat posed to democracy by fake news and the influence exerted on elections were also cited as reasons for the new time, according to a panel of scientists involved in the process.
The appropriate symbolic time is deduced each year by The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist. The new reading brings the threat closer to midnight than it’s been since the height of the Cold War – when it reached 11:58pm.
Speaking at the announcement, theoretical physicist Lawrence Maxwell Krauss said, “US and Russian leaders need to come together to reduce nuclear arms” adding that “President Trump and President Vladimir Putin can act together as statesmen or act as petulant children dictating our future.”
When asked what was the single biggest factor in moving the hands forward, Professor of Meteorology David Titley said the dissemination of facts and science expressed through a “verbal looseness” was a particular threat.
Former US Ambassador to the UN Thomas Pickering said the team behind the change was equally concerned with today's situation as it was during the height of the Cold War. “It takes us back, comparatively, to an age of great uncertainty,” he said.
Krauss warned of the economic impact of the US nuclear arsenal, saying Trump’s proposed modernization could cost $1 trillion.
“It’s a devastatingly large economic program that has limited rationality,” Krauss said.
“The fact that we have a large fraction of our nuclear weapons on our high-alert status raises the possibility of an accidental nuclear war which has almost happened a number of times in its history.” Source:
For those too young to remember Duck And Cover (1951) Bert The Turtle
And now for another point of view . . . "The warming community has utterly failed in its climate models and predictions about the climate"
Breaking: “Clearly, the planet is getting colder,” said Casey, president of the Space and Science Research Corp.
While the direction of climate change cannot be determined based on a single event, the collection of record-breaking winters shows that the planet is getting colder, climate expert John Casey tells Newsmax TV. [Video]
“Just about every American can now see that we’ve had a series of brutal, record-setting winters that are starting earlier, staying longer and breaking records that are 100 and 150 years old,” Casey told J.D. Hayworth, who was joined by Republican strategist Ford O’Connell, on “America’s Forum” Wednesday.
“The warming community has utterly failed in its climate models and predictions about the climate,” he said. “We are facing some stark realities right now that say without doubt that we are heading into a new cold era.”
Casey, who worked as a consultant for NASA and was a White House space program adviser, is the author of “Dark Winter: How the Sun is Causing a 30-Year Cold Spell,” in which he argues that the planet is currently undergoing a cooling trend.
“If we look at the facts based on the five major global temperature data sets that our company tracks and evaluates on a regular basis, we see that the story of 2014 being the warmest year on record was in fact just a story,” he said.
“According to our analysis, using the best science and technical data available, 2014 was a warm year, an important year, but merely another warm year in a strain of years that have been essentially stable for the last 18 years — where there has been no effective growth in global warming,” he said.
Updated NASA data on the polar ice cap is showing results that are contrary to all who claim global warming is receding it. Reportedly, global warming (better known presently as climate change) has not caused any recession of polar ice.
According to a report by Forbes, a NASA satellite instrument revealed that the Earth’s polar ice caps have not receded at all since it began its measurements back in 1979. From what was shown in its data, total polar ice has generally remained above the post-1979 average, a finding that contradicts the most-frequently spoken claims by those who push global warming as the primary reason why the polar ice caps are receding.
Greenland’s polar ice caps have been affected by global warming or climate change. Many global warming believers are actually traveling to said polar ice caps to see them. [Photo by Uriel Sinai/Getty Images]To be fair though, the aforementioned information on the polar ice caps not receding is taken as a whole. What scientists who pushed the the global warming agenda kept concentrating on was the sea ice loss, often associated with huge chunks of the polar ice cap itself falling into the ocean. Beginning in 2005, said sea ice receded at a modest pace for several years and by 2012, it was approximately 10 percent from the 1979 measurement. This fact has many of the same scientists, who push the global warming or climate change agenda, screaming it is the reason why 10 percent of sea ice has receded. In the full scope of things, 10 percent is considered a poor number to utilize as “proof.”
Actually, an article written by Daily Mail back in 2013 reports the opposite of what all the global warming and climate change enthusiasts are pushing. According to their report, the polar ice caps were growing by 29 percent in a year, a result that has caused them to coin the term “global cooling.” As visual proof, the report provided NASA photographs of the Arctic Ocean’s polar ice cap in August of 2012 and August of 2013. By comparing the photographs, there is clearly an expansion of said ice cap from the previous year.
The Daily Mail provided a graphic of two NASA photographs of the Arctic Ocean’s polar ice cap in August of 2012 and August of 2013. Comparing the two pictures, it is shown said ice cap has increased. [Image via Daily Mail]Despite the aforementioned sources showing that the polar ice caps have generally not receded, many global warming and climate change enthusiasts are still crying wolf, pushing the agenda the polar ice caps are melting away. All anyone has to do is do a simple internet news search (Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc.) for “polar ice caps” and they will find numerous articles on the doom and gloom caused by global warming and climate change. What’s funny is that some of those articles even have fixed countdowns that have already passed, yet have not come true.
With that in mind, one person who should be shoving his foot in his mouth is former Vice President Al Gore. Back in 2007, while receiving the Nobel Peace Prize for campaigning global warming especially through An InconvenientTruth, he predicted there would be no more polar ice caps by 2014. Seven years later, we had a polar ice cap that is thicker and covers 1.7 million square kilometers.
Former Vice President Al Gore was the biggest pusher when it comes to the threat of global warming or climate change. [Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for New York Times]Ultimately, scientists are going to pick one side or the other when it comes to the condition of the polar ice caps. It is safe to say that it has somehow become the measuring stick for scientists trying to prove if the planet is either warming or cooling. Source:
“That’s a stark change from what we’ve been told.”
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