Friday, October 8, 2021

The Book of Revelations of John The Divine

This final Book of the Bible is often misunderstood as the rantings of a madman who is suffering a psychotic episode but has, nevertheless, been able to access a typewriter contrary to the rules of the institution. It is also thought of by ridiculing atheists and Catholics as a triumph of obscurity over clarity, which allows them to make up stupid explanations that just happen to be in line with their personal Satanic beliefs and Satan’s Plan for Mankind – ironically, these people are bringing about the events that unfold in the Book.


  • John The Divine hears God telling him what will happen, Jesus is going to arrive soon and in force and so John should tell everyone
  • John, who is himself in exile because of persecution, is on Patmos, tells Christians that they are persecuted by Rome
  • John hears a voice and it’s Jesus who gives him the idea that he should write to the seven churches in Asia Minor telling them where they went wrong. They are in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. Jesus tells him what to say.
  • Jesus has white hair and his eyes of flames. His feet are made of bronze and his voice sounds like running water. He is surrounded by 7 candlesticks and carries seven stars in his right hand. A sharp sword comes out of his mouth
  • Jesus tells John to write down everything he sees in a vision that he will be given.

A Message for Ephesus

  • They’ve lost the idea of “love”.

A Message for Smyrna

  • Jesus knows the people in Smyrna have been persecuted but if they’re faithful ’til death they’ll live with Him, otherwise, it’s the Fiery Pit.

A Message for Pergamum

  • Jesus hears that some in the Church are teaching that it’s okay to make sacrifices to the Roman gods. But, Jesus clarifies, it is most definitely not.

A Message for Thyatira

  • Jesus knows that they’re doing good works. But He also knows there’s a woman called Jezabel whose been putting her favors about like a demoncrat, lieberal, hippy, and worshipping idols. They should stop this.

A Message for Sardis

  • Jesus tells this church that, half of them are OK, but the rest need to straighten themselves out with Him… or else.

A Message for Philadelphia

  • Just keep the faith, Jesus tells them. If they do, they’ll all get God’s name written on them.

Message for Laodicea

  • This church is kind of lukewarm and will be spewed out unless they change their ways

Stairway to Heaven

  • Jesus shows John Heaven with 24 Elders and God – God’s seat has a load of weird but Godly animals around it who sing His Praises day and night.

Seals (Not Navy)

  • John notices that God is holding a scroll with seven seals in his hand.
  • A slaughtered lamb with seven horns and seven eyes takes the scroll from God and everyone starts singing, cheering, shouting, rejoicing.

The Four Horsemen

  • So, the Lamb opens the first of the seven seals.
  • Immediately, John sees a white horse. Its rider has a bow and is wearing a crown. He is called Faithful and True and is The Word of God – He is Righteousness who will ethnically cleanse the Earth of Evil.
  • The Lamb opens the second seal. John sees a bright red horse. The guy riding this horse has a huge sword… This is War.
  • Then, the Lamb opens the third seal and out comes a black horse. Its rider has a pair of scales in his hand. This is Famine and the only one of the horsemen to speak – He suggests investing in grain futures.
  • Next, the fourth seal is opened. John sees a pale green horse whose rider is Death himself. And Death is given authority to kill people all over the Earth.

More Seals 

  • The Lamb goes on to open the fifth seal. John sees all the Christians martyrs who are shouting for vengeance.
  • The Lamb then opens the sixth seal.
  • Suddenly the heavens go crazy. There’s an earthquake and the sun becomes black. The moon turns to blood and the stars fall out of the sky. All the kings and rich people and other powerful people on Earth try to run and hide from the Lamb.

The Elect Get Heaven

  • After this, John sees four angels standing at the four corners of the Earth holding back the winds, Another angel tells them that they still need to mark the foreheads of the 144,000 Elect.
  • Then, John sees many people from standing around God’s throne wearing white robes and holding palm leaves who are praising everyone around. These are the Elect and have tenure in Heaven.

The Seventh Seal

  • Next, John sees the Lamb open the seventh seal. And eventually seven angels with seven trumpets stand in front of God.

The Trump

  • When the first angel trumpets, hail and fire mixed with blood starts to rain down on the Earth.
  • The second angel blows his horn and a burning mountain falls into the sea.
  • The third angel blows and a star named Wormwood falls from the sky and pollutes the water.
  • The fourth angel blows his horn and the sun, moon, and stars get dimmer.
  • Then a horrific eagle sums up, saying, “Woe to the inhabitants of the Earth.”


  • Then John sees another angel coming down from Heaven with a tiny scroll and that John must eat. John eats.

Two Candlesticks arrive
· Another voice tells John that two candlesticks are going to go into the world

  • They do but a beast comes up from the bottomless pit and attacks and kills them in the streets of Jerusalem while all the non-believers gloat and rejoice. But, after three and a half days, the candlesticks recover from death and start living again.
  • Then, the candlesticks fly up into Heaven and let loose a huge earthquake. Seven thousand people are killed, but the rest, wisely, repent and put their faith in Jesus.

Angel Number Seven

  • Finally, the seventh angel goes ahead and blows his trumpet.
  • John hears voices announcing that God’s reign on Earth has begun. The 24 elders start to worship God even more intensely and let everyone know that it’s almost time to start judging some people.

The Girl and the Dragon

  • Suddenly, John sees an omen—it’s a woman. She is clothed with sun, the moon is under her feet, and she wears a crown of stars. The woman is in the middle of giving birth and she’s screaming in pain.
  • There’s also a huge red dragon—it appears with seven heads with crowns on each of them and ten horns, who’s going to eat her when she’s given birth.
  • The woman delivers a baby boy and it just so happens that he’s going to rule all the nations of the world. He is promptly taken up into Heaven and the woman runs away before the Dragon can eat her.

Heavenly War

  • Then war breaks out in Heaven.
  • Michael the Archangel and his band of angel soldiers attack the Dragon and manage to throw him out of Heaven. The Dragon lands down to Earth and he finds the woman who gave birth to the son and chases after her. But she sprouts wings and flies away.
  • Then he opens his mouth and floods the Earth, trying to drown her. But the Earth comes to her rescue and swallows up the water. The Dragon decides to go off and attack the woman’s other children, i.e. the followers of Jesus.

Sea Monster

  • John sees a huge beast rising out of the sea and (seven heads and ten horns with a crown on each one.) It looks somewhat like a leopard, but has feet like a bear, and a mouth like a lion.
  • The Dragon gives the Sea Beast its power and everyone on Earth all worship the Sea Beast and the Dragon
  • John tells us that the Sea Beast loves to attack Christians and make them into martyrs and he reminds Christians they’d be better off dead than worshipping the Sea Beast.

The Sea Monster’s Friend

  • Next, another beast comes out of the Earth. It has two horns like the Lamb, but sounds like the Dragon — it makes everyone worship the Sea Beast. Its number—666.

Breaking News

  • John sees the Lamb standing on Mount Zion. With him are the 144,000 Elect. Then, John hears several angels. One tells them all to fear and worship God, otherwise there is going to be some serious judgment going on. Another tells them that Babylon has fallen. A third one lets everyone know that the people who worship the Beast are going to burn.

The Two Reapers
· Next, John sees someone who looks like the Son of Man floating down on a cloud. He’s wearing a gold crown and holding a sickle with which He reap all the faithful people from the Earth.

  • Another angel comes down with a sickle and reaps all the not-so-faithful people. Then he throws them into a wine press of God’s wrath. It squirts out blood all over the place.

Many Plagues

  • After this, John sees seven angels carrying seven plagues. (I’m not sure if this is 7 or 49 plagues)
  • He also sees that the people who brought down the Beast are in heaven playing harps. And then a creature of some sort hand out bowls of God’s Wrath to people


  • A voice tells the angels to go ahead and serve up a heaping helping of Gods wrath on the Earth. So, the angels pour out their bowls one by one.
  • The first angel dumps out his bowl, and all the non-believers who have the mark of the Beast on them break out in painful sores.
  • The second angel turns the sea into blood.
  • The third angel turns the rivers into blood.
  • The fourth angel turns up the heat on the sun and burns all the people.
  • The fifth angel plunges the entire city of Rome into darkness.
  • The sixth angel dries up the Euphrates River
  • The seventh angel pours his bowl out and a voice tells everyone that, “It is done
  • There’s lightning and thunder and an earthquake. An earthquake that splits Rome into thirds. And destroys every nation on Earth.

Beauty and the Beast

  • Next, John sees the Whore of Babylon. She is a woman riding the Sea Beast She is dressed in red and purple robes and dripping with gold and jewels and pearls
  • John tells us she’s been drinking the blood of the faithful.
  • An angel explains the Whore of Babylon. The woman represents Rome who seduces everyone with its beauty and charm, but is really just a prostitute.

Woe unto Babylon

  • John sees yet another angel coming down from Heaven. This angel announces that Babylon (i.e., Rome) has fallen.
  • However, some of the non-believers on Earth are too busy mourning the loss of Rome, which has provided much need business but the angels aren’t swayed much by this. One of them picks up a giant stone and throws it into the ocean.


  • Everyone in Heaven is celebrating but John sees a white horse (not the same one as came with the 4 horsemen) with Jesus riding out on it. Jesus has flames for eyes and the sword coming out of his mouth. But this time, he’s wearing lots of crowns and his robe is dipped in blood. All the heavenly armies are there, too and they’re following Jesus in triumph.
  • An angel tells everyone to gather for God’s supper.
  • But before this can happen, John sees the Sea Beast and its armies.
  • Jesus and his heavenly squadron get rid of the Beast pretty quickly. They toss him into a Lake of Fire. All the other baddies are killed with Jesus’s sword.

Satan’s Last Stand

  • John sees that another angel has gotten hold of the Dragon and locked him in the bottomless pit. He’s going to stay there for 1,000 years. After that, he’ll be let out for a little while.
  • So then John sees thrones with people seated on them. These people get to judge. Obviously, anyone who was killed for believing in Jesus gets a pass. They will get to reign in Heaven for 1,000 years.
  • But remember, once that 1,000 years is up, the Dragon is going to be let out of the pit and gather another army to destroy Heaven.
  • But, don’t worry, this war is going to end a lot like the first one—with the Dragon as the big loser. Except this time, he’ll be thrown into the Lake of Fire for good.

The Final Judgement 

  • Once this happens, everyone is going to be judged by God. Even people who have been dead for years are going to have to answer for their actions on Earth.
  • God will open up his Book and look over his records and give you either the thumbs up or the thumbs down. If God realizes you’re not in his Book, it’s the Lake of Fire for you, too.

Flat-pack Jerusalem is delivered

  • After all the pesky non-believers and manifestations of extreme evil are gone, it’s time to bring about a new Earth.
  • John sees it happen—a New Jerusalem comes down from Heaven to Earth
  • The Elect will live there with God. No one will ever mourn or die or be in pain. It will simply be God and his children living together forever and ever.
  • But people who haven’t led such upstanding lives will get thrown into the Lake of Fire.
  • The city of New Jerusalem itself is probably the most incredible thing John has seen. The whole city is made of gold and glitters with all different kinds of jewels and gemstones.
  • It has twelve gates (with the names of the tribes of Israel written on them) and twelve foundations (with the names of the apostles written on them).
  • This New Jerusalem doesn’t have a temple, though, because God himself is the temple. They also don’t have to worry about lamps, because the presence of God provides all the light they need. It’s always sunny in New Jerusalem.
  • Crime is also non-existent, because no one ever does anything even remotely bad there.


New Jerusalem on Earth

Size of New Jerusalem

A River Runs Through It

  • An angel shows John a beautiful river flowing from God’s throne. It’s the water of life flowing in it. On the banks of the river is the tree of life, which grows twelve kinds of fruit.
  • Nothing bad is ever going to happen in this new city. Everyone will just hang with God and rejoice and love each other all day.

The Truth and Nothing but the Truth

  • The angel assures John that everything he’s seen and heard is true. All of this is actually going to happen. This is not some sort of story – it’s real folks!
  • He also tells John to go ahead and share all this with the world. After all, Jesus will be coming very, very soon. People need this information because they need to do the right thing.
  • God’s judgment is coming. People who lead good lives will be able to live inside the walls of an awesome city made of gold. People who don’t will get to take a little swim in a Lake of Fire… for all eternity.
  • John also tells us that if anyone changes what he’s written down, God is going to include them in all those terrible plagues.
  • But really, Jesus is coming soon, John tells us. He ends the book with this hope and a short prayer for the faithful.
  • That’s it.

So, there you are – it’s all pretty straightforward and obvious when you think why you became a True Christian.

The Truth About the Book of Revelations Elaine Pagels [Clip]


The Original Book of Revelation

Friday, May 28, 2021

Tithe Teaching Detriments

*** “Some people say tithing is Old Testament law. No, it's not. It's an Old Testament principle.”? ~ Via a Pastor on giving! 

Believers are responsible to measure 'the church*' teachings in the light of the truth of the Bible. It is our duty to recognize error. 

The Levitical tithe was to meet a need, that of the Levitical priesthood and to help the poor. The Levitical priesthood and all laws and ceremonies pertaining to it ceased when the temple was destroyed in 70 CE.  the Books of the Christian New Testament do not teach tithing. "The New Testament" offices or callings of a pastor, etc., are not the same as the Levitical priesthood, which was based on lineage and the Mosaic ceremonial laws, and that the "church*" building is not the same as the Temple. 

Detriments of the Tithe Teaching
1. The "churchs" tithe teaching can cause tithers to have an erroneous feeling of self-satisfaction, a feeling that they have "paid the bill" and placated God. This can become akin to a superstitious practice of "pleasing of the gods" we see in pagan cultures. Are tithers in some cases even attempting to buy their way into heaven? Wouldn’t this be the same as buying spiritual favor by purchasing indulgences? This practice was soundly condemned in Martin Luther's "Ninety-Five Theses."

2. Mal. 3:8 says, "’ Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me.’ But you ask, "How do we rob you?" ‘In tithes and offerings….’" This verse is used prior to the passing of the offering plate in many "church" services to coax the congregation to get out their wallets. But, contrary to the meaning of the verse under the Mosaic Law to which it refers, today people ARE robbing God, not of tithes, but of proper giving to the work of God and to the poor. When people "pay their bill" to the "church", they aren’t as apt to give that cup of water or $20 to a needy person around them.  Therefore, they have robbed God by neglecting opportunities to perform a mitzvah in the form of helping the poor. People write out tithe checks in a dogged, joyless manner as if in bondage. They, too, are robbed. They are robbed of the joy of giving to real needs they can see with their own eyes.

3. Tithing can cause an undue financial burden on givers. Young families with children often are living hand to mouth anyway. So are many single parents, college students, and the elderly. They themselves are actually the poor who need help occasionally, yet by sitting in "the church", they are told that they must give up ten percent to a "church" that often is wealthy.

4. This brings us to the next point. It is not uncommon today for the incomes of "church"es (some of whom teach tithing and some of whom don’t), especially large ones in America, to have such enormous incomes that they have investment portfolios. They hire experts to help them manage their funds to make it grow. Why? So they can give to missions or the poor? So they can build more buildings, gyms, bowling alleys, climbing walls? So they can have huge paid staffs? Daycare centers? The kingdom of God has nothing to do with buildings. The early "church" grew by great leaps without buildings. 

2 Corinthians 9:7  Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion 

Trillion Dollar Church!
The American church system through its thousands of schemes to gather money has amassed over a trillion dollars worth of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, insurance programs, real estate, etc. The interest they pay on the mortgages of their buildings could literally feed all the poor in the world! 

The deceptive means 10’s of thousands of ministers use to raise money, of which the modern tithe is one of them, has drained our country of resources that could tremendously bless the world. But the church is sitting on the money. Now they are beginning to be fleeced themselves.
Recently, hundreds of the leading Christian organizations lost millions of dollars investing in a fund named "New Era." It was a scam called a "Ponze scheme." An evangelical, named Bennett, dropping the right names such as Billy Graham and Rockerfeller, convinced most of the leading Protestant ministries to invest as much as over 500 million dollars into a fund that promised them a doubling of their money over a 6 month period of time. Now anyone with a little sense should smell something amiss here, especially since conservative Christians should be looking at conservative investments that usually give a low return on investment. But top Christian ministries invested hundreds of millions of dollars in a fund started by another Christian, whose sole purpose in setting up the fund was to defraud them of their, or should I say "your" money. The federal authorities finally shut it down, but not before millions of dollars were lost. (See Dew from Mount Hermon, issue number 7 for more details.)

A person who teaches tithing robs God’s people from hearing from God Himself about what and whom to give to each and every day. Someone who pays their taxes, and gives 10 per cent of their income to their pastor, plus offerings for missions, building fund, bake and rummage sales, etc., because the law or tradition of their organization pressures them to do so, is likely to develop an attitude that their giving is finished at the offering plate. They are so drained of finances that when Jesus arrives at their door for a piece of bread, their response might be, "Oh, I gave already at the church!" Laws such as the modern tithing law, instituted by either ignorant or deceiving ministers keep God’s children from hearing what they should be doing on a day to day basis! Yes, Mr. or Mrs. or Reverend Tithing Teacher, you are robbing people, God, and the world from the blessings He wants to pour out on them and through us! Now repent and stop it! His mercy endures forever! Go to the fountain of grace, HaShem, and discover how to enter into His rest yourself! Then and only then can you lead God’s sheep into that rest themselves. Until then all you will do is fleece them and eat them yourself!

"Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flock? You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool; you slaughter the fatlings, but you do not feed the flock. The weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed those who were sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought back what was driven away, nor sought what was lost; but with force and cruelty you have ruled them." (Ezekiel 34:2-4)

"My people have been lost sheep. Their shepherds have led them astray; they have turned them away on the mountains. They have gone from mountain to hill. They have forgotten their resting place. All who found them have devoured them." (Jeremiah 50:6-7)

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that those who twist the Mosaic Law to say what it doesn’t say, are robbing God even though they may not be aware of it. They are also robbing themselves of much-needed rest, and they are robbing the world around them of the true blessings they are to bestow upon their neighbors.


 the words "church" and "circus" both come from a similar pagan origin

circ- + (is a Latin root word meaning: circle [a ring; wheel], round). 

Latinized form of Greek Κιρκη (Kirke, Kirkh ), which possibly meant "bird". In Greek mythology Circe was a sorceress who hypnotized men, and changed men into animals, and made them her slaves. 

c.1305, from O.Fr. cercle, from L. circulus "small ring," dim. of circus (q.v.). Replaced O.E. trendel and hring. Meaning "group of persons surrounding a center of interest" is from 1714. 

c.1380, from L. circus "ring," applied by Romans to circular arenas for performances and contests (esp. the Circus Maximus), from or akin to Gk. kirkos "a circle," from PIE *kirk- from base *(s)ker- "to turn, bend." First attested use for "traveling show" is 1791. 

O.E. cirice "church," from W.Gmc. *kirika, from Gk. kyriake (oikia) "Lord's (house)," from kyrios "ruler, lord."

Among Pope Francis' challenges will be oversight of the sprawling, lucrative -- but embattled -- American organization.

A Jewish response to a Pastor

Source: Tithe Teaching Detriments -

Friday, April 23, 2021


The necessity of speaking in tongues for salvation? 
"Hear an alleged tongues and interpretation where "God" says his mercy is gone, he's going to turn against someone(s) in that church and will pour out his wrath that night." @ 9:30  [1]


Note: Christian churches are filled with passionate men and women of all ages who love God with all their being, and have a deeply genuine love for other people. Many "Bible believing Christians" believe many unbiblical heresies. The wide acceptance of the beliefs within Christendom does not make it biblical.

One of the Six Constant Commands (mitzvot) of God is, "Don't be misled by your heart and eyes." Why is every Jew commanded to develop the recognition of Divine truth attained by Abraham: a recognition so absolute that it can, by the force of reason alone, dispel a universally entrenched doctrine, while Christians are taught NOT to use reason and logic? (Hebrews 11:1)

Other religious groups have been observed to practice some form of speaking in tongues - theopneustic glossolalia. It is perhaps most commonly in Paganism, Shamanism, and other mediumistic religious practices.] In Japan, the God Light Association used to practice glossolalia to cause adherents to recall past lives.

Glossolalia has even been postulated as an explanation for the Voynich manuscript.
Certain Gnostic magical texts from the Roman period have written on them unintelligible syllables such as "t t t t n n n n d d d d d..." etc. It is conjectured that these may be transliterations of the sorts of sounds made during glossolalia. The Coptic Gospel of the Egyptians also features a hymn of (mostly) unintelligible syllables which is thought to be an early example of Christian glossolalia.

In the 19th century, Spiritism was developed by the work of Allan Kardec, and the phenomenon was seen as one of the self-evident manifestations of spirits. Spiritists argued that some cases were actually cases of xenoglossia.

Glossolalia has also been observed in the Voodoo religion of Haiti, as well as in the Hindu Gurus and Fakirs of India.

Learned behavior

The material explanation arrived at by a number of studies is that glossolalia is "learned behavior". What is taught is the ability to produce language-like speech. This is only a partial explanation, but it is a part that has withstood much testing. It is possible to train novices to produce glossolalic speech. One experiment with 60 undergraduates found that 20% succeeded after merely listening to a 60-second sample, and 70% succeeded after training:
Our findings that glossolalia can be easily learned through direct instruction, along with demonstrations that tongue speakers can initiate and terminate glossolalia upon request and can exhibit glossolalia in the absence of any indexes of trance[…] support the hypothesis that glossolalia utterances are goal-directed actions rather than involuntary happenings.
The admittedly fraudulent preacher Marjoe Gortner described in a 1977 interview how people learn glossolalia in a highly emotional religious setting.
"Tongues is something you learn," he emphasized. "It is a releasing that you teach yourself. You are told by your peers, the church, and the Bible – if you accept it literally – that the Holy Ghost speaks in another tongue; you become convinced that it is the ultimate expression of the spirit flowing through you. The first time maybe you'll just go dut-dut-dut-dut, and that's about all that will get out. Then you'll hear other people and next night you may go dut-dut-dut-UM-dut-DEET-dut-dut, and it gets a little better. The next thing you know, it's ela-hando-satelay-eek-condele-mosandrey-aseya ... and it's a new language you've got down."
That glossolalia can be learned is also seen in the traces left behind by teachers. An investigation by the Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn showed that the influence of a particular leader can shape a group's glossolalia: where certain prominent glossolalists had visited, whole groups of glossolalists would speak in his style of speech.

Kavan found that most New Zealand Pentecostals and Charismatics did not experience trance except during the baptism of the spirit. However, meditators in a yoga-based purification group experienced frequent intense trances, of which glossolalia was an occasional manifestation. Kavan suggested that there are two types of glossolalia – spontaneous and context-dependent – and the former is more likely to occur in groups that are radical, experiential and charismatically led.

Pentecostals, members of the Assemblies of God churches, and some other charismatics usually place great emphasis on spiritual "gifts and manifestations, claiming that there is a special post-salvation gift/experience called the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit" or "Second Blessing", in which the Holy Spirit, in all His fullness, is poured out on the believer and that the initial evidence of this "Second Blessing" is speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. 

When someone is "overcome by the Spirit" they often begin speaking gibberish, wave their arms, or even fall writhing on the floor. Apparently the speaker is said to be possessed by the Holy Spirit with the person himself having no control over his own tongue, which is is usually taken as absolute proof that one has been baptized in the Spirit, a highly prized spiritual goal.

But if, as shown,  tongues were a known language in the New Testament and there is absolutely no evidence to show that it was some form of ecstatic speech, and Paul instructed that everything was to be done decently and in order, where does the the unintelligible gibberish, jerking, twitching, falling on the floor etc. all come from? Is it even possible that the devil has substituted the true gift of tongues with a knock-off version? Has the allure of receiving some form of deeper spiritual experience deceived countless millions into accepting this counterfeit? - 

Speaking in Tongues 2.0 

The Six Constant Mitzvot are:

Know there is a God. Don't believe in other gods. God is one. Love God. Fear God. Don't be misled by your heart and eyes. Every moment of awareness is another occasion to actualize these goals. None of the other mitzvot has that same constant opportunity, and that's why the Six Constant Mitzvot are our priority. All the other mitzvot only build and bolster these goals.

INTELLECTUAL KNOWLEDGE OF GOD The first of the Ten Commandments declares: "I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt" (Exodus 20:2).

This is the mitzvah (commandment) to "Know there is a God."

The logic underlying this commandment seems difficult to understand. Someone who already observe God's commandments obviously believes in His existence -- so what need is there for a new command to do so? And if someone doesn't know that God exists, why should he listen to this command?!

So exactly who is this mitzvah for?

The answer is that we should not believe in God "on faith" alone. Investigate the evidence. Get knowledge. Research. Study. Analyze. It is a fundamental principle of Judaism: You have to know, not just believe.

EMOTIONAL TRUST "You shall know this day, and understand it in your heart, that the Almighty is God" (Deut. 4:39, the "Aleynu" prayer).

But there's more. It is not enough to intellectually know that God is in charge of everything. You must also know it in your heart. This emotional knowledge is much more profound, because it affects how a person actually conducts his life.

The circus performer is willing to walk the tightrope because he is confident there's a net below to catch him. Similarly, a child will jump down off a ledge into his father's arms, completely confident that his father will catch him.

The whole point of life is to strengthen your awareness of God. How do you know if you're really aware of God? Through trust. If you are, then you are willing to walk the tightrope, so to speak, or jump into your father's arms.[a]

The Experience of the False Prophet
 by yourphariseefriend

What is a “false prophet”? Is it someone who makes up a story out of his hat but never had any experience to back up that story? Or is it perhaps someone who had a profound experience but the experience is actually misleading?

There is no question that some false prophets simply concocted “visions” out of thin air but the Bible also teaches us about another type of “false prophet”.

In the First Book of Kings chapter 22 we are introduced to Zedekiah son of Chenaanah. This Zedekiah prophesied to King Ahab but his prophecy was false. Michaiah, who was a true prophet of God, described how Zedekiah had been misled. Michaiah describes God’s heavenly court sitting in judgment over Ahab. The court seeks to destroy Ahab and a medium is sought to accomplish this goal. A spirit is sent forth to persuade Ahab to go to battle where he will meet his fate. This spirit sent from on high was a real experience that Zedekiah and the other false prophets truly felt. But it was sent to mislead and to confuse.

It is clear that the fact that someone undergoes an “experience” does not prove anything. When Moses teaches us about the miracles of the false prophet he describes them as a test from God (Deuteronomy 13:4). Moses doesn’t tell us that the false prophet cannot perform miracles, signs and wonders. Instead Moses tells us that we need to measure those experiences, we need to evaluate those miracles and use our sense of discernment to understand if the miracles and the experiences are tests from God or if they are true prophecy.

The yardstick that God granted our nation so that we can evaluate these supernatural experiences is the testimony of our nation. Is the experience leading us in the path that God set us on when he took us out of Egypt or are these miracles introducing a “new” and “better” path?

Throughout history many people have attempted to market their “new paths” by claiming to be the real and rediscovered “old path”. But the path that God set us on travels through the hearts of His witness nation. And the only way that these people can claim our path for themselves is by dismissing our testimony.

As the nation chosen by God we have the responsibility toward ourselves and towards the world to remain loyal to the testimony with which we were entrusted. And the prophet Isaiah prophesied that the purpose of the Lord will indeed be fulfilled through our people. With our hearts on fire for God we will yet illuminate the world (Isaiah 60:3). [4]

This is a series of videos [below] to challenge people to search the scriptures, to see if what they were taught is actually in the Bible. Many of us heard things said over and over, so much so that we started believing the Bible verses were there. Sometimes we neglected to check. Other times we read things into a verse or pieced together passages to make a doctrine.

This video challenges you to see if you can find the phrase in the Bible, "with the evidence of speaking in tongues."

Hi there, I needed to post a comment somewhere where people could gain confirmation about any of their suspicions regarding Potters House. My aim of this post is to help anyone feeling trapped or losing their joy of Christianity through this supposed church.

I got saved in April 2014 and was accepted into the church with open arms, i thought this was strange but quite wonderful at first, i was helped and promised god had a special role for me. I went to church on a Sunday morning and attended bible study to increase my bible knowledge. Sounds okay so far doesn't it? Well after about 2 months I was pressured to attend twice on a Sunday which was running up my fuel bill by 120 miles a month and it was difficult to refuse as the pressure of god and my pastor were bearing down on me. Then we were pressured to attend outreach on Saturdays which my wife and i had very little time together with her supporting me on a part time job whilst i retrained at college. So by 3 months that was Sundays twice, Thursday evenings, then Saturdays and then all the conferences that last for days, and then the prayers at their house every morning (i refused) and then the concerts which we were encouraged to attend which were on Mondays plus fellowships.

I was put under pressure by the pastor and his wife to quit college to become a pastor which he was told by god was my role in the church and i said no, this was not well received as was my questioning of their interpretation of the bible either. I was told not to have knowledge which is unbiblical as we are asked to question and test the teachers and this made my pastor angry. I watched him not heal anyone and blame the lack of healing on their faith. We went to increasingly creepy fellowship which became clearer that these were people to monitor us. We were asked to forsake family and friends for the church which isolates you from any outside influences and you feel trapped and dammed for every thought.

I used to be a teacher and have qualifications in the double figures so when i start to research my mind is like a sponge and the more i questioned i noticed how ignorant long standing members knew little about the bible, even after 21 or more years. I had an arguement with my pastor and his wife about tribulation and suffering and he couldn't find his teaching for half an hour in the bible and his wife got angry and dismissed me having knowledge... he had been doing it for 18 years.

My pastors wife took it upon herself to start checking up on us with drop ins to my wifes work and inviting herself round to our house when she felt fit. We were pressured to tithe which we could not afford either and I had problems with this as well and said it was no longer required by the bible and that i am broke all the time and he got angry again saying why has it worked for others then? (implying i had a lack of faith..again). My interpretation of the holy spirit and speaking in tongues makes no sense with PH thinking as an utterance does not mean babbling and tongues was used as a reference for other languages.

Also what really got my goat as it were, was the continual reference to "god told me this and that" this is new revelation direct from god if it were true making him a prophet and they were always right biblically 100%, he is already wrong about me being a pastor and numerous other revelations. He also said that his healing powers sometimes work and sometimes don't? Did the apostles heal people 100% or only sometimes....I thought so.

The final straw was telling my 24 year old friend at Potters House who has been given less than 12 months to live due to cancer who left the church to go and die without causing distress to anyone... her pastor said she would lose her way with god if she didn't keep going to church! What! How could anyone say that to a dying woman who will meet god very shortly and a good and brave christian even sleep at night.

If you are stuck in this church it is cultic, oppressive, militant, ignorant and perverting the word of god. You need to leave this church as quickly as possible, if you are saved god allows you grace to learn and develop in your worship and when they put the holy spirit in you do you not think it is possible that after it inspired the bible writings that when he sees it corrupted wants you to leave, or alternatively you can suppress it until you become a mindless, pennyless drone with no knowledge of what you are doing or any insight to the grace of god. Go read your bible and have fellowship with other friends who are of the same thinking, follow the word of god and the fruit of gods word will blossom in you regardless of being in Potters House. According to them they are the only people going to heaven but you need knowledge and not to put your faith in paying money for god to pour his blessings on you, everything done in your life is gods will and grace and you cannot change his mind about how he does it by tithing, speaking in gibberish, or having continual supernatural powers.

I have just scratched the surface to warn you and help you. Have a look at Strange fire conference on you tube which i found helpful and informative, Potters House has caused horrendous damage to many across the world and may also be a part of a larger corruption of Christianity in these troubled times. bless you. [7] 

For the Record
To my fellow member of the human race
It has come to my attention that certain members of my people have been promulgating a doctrine that distorts the essence of the teaching that we were entrusted with.
You have heard how the Creator of all took us out of Egypt with signs and wonders and how He taught us His Torah through national revelation and through His prophet. The open miracles that God preformed for us spread our reputation as the possessors of God’s Law. These men of whom I speak, exploited our reputation as possessors of God’s truth, and they spread a teaching that has no basis in the Torah that God has bequeathed to us.
These teachers taught you that all of mankind is damned before God to eternal punishment. They taught that if a person commits one sin it is as if he or she violated all of the commandments. These men taught that the God of Israel will not forgive your sins unless you present a blood sacrifice. These men taught that the God of Israel is unapproachable. And they taught that the good deeds that you do will not bring you any closer to God.
All of these teachings are blatant falsehoods. As a member of the people who were entrusted with God’s Law, I see it as my duty to correct these falsehoods that were taught as if they were the Law of my God.
God does NOT condemn everyone to the fires of eternal damnation. You can search the Jewish Scriptures from cover to cover; you will not find one verse that supports such a teaching.
A person who commits one sin is NOT equivalent in God’s eyes as if they violated the entirety of the Law. The Scriptures explicitly teach that God judges every deed, both bad and good (Ecclesiastes12:14). The conscience that God breathed into all of us tells us that there is a great difference in God’s eyes between a person who lived a moral life on the one hand and a person who lived a life of cruelty and immorality on the other hand.
The Jewish Scriptures do NOT teach that God requires blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin. The Scriptures openly declare that if you turn to God in sincere repentance, God will forgive you (Isaiah 55:7).
The Jewish Scriptures do NOT teach that God is unapproachable. On the contrary, our prophets declare that God is close to all who call upon Him in truth (Psalm 145:18).
If I were to say that the good deeds that you do will bring you closer to God, I will not have said enough. Our prophets taught us that the practice of justice IS intimacy with God (Jeremiah 22:16). When we follow the universal principle of justice: “that which you hate done unto yourself, do not do unto others”, we allow God’s truth to penetrate into our psyche. When we recognize the grace of God’s goodness that is expressed in every detail of existence, and we are moved to take the goodness that we were blessed with and allow it to flow towards another creation of God, we have then connected to the kindness and love of God. It is not that these activities bring us closer to God. The practice of kindness and truth are a connection to God in and of themselves.
There is one more false teaching that these men have propagated in the name of the Torah of my God. They have encouraged people to direct their hearts in worship of and in devotion to a man who walked God’s earth and breathed God’s air like the rest of us.
If there is any teaching that is contrary to the Torah with which we were entrusted it is this one.
My nation was called upon by God to serve as His witnesses (Isaiah 43:10). God taught us that there is none beside Him that is worthy of our worship and devotion (Deuteronomy4:35). Our core duty as a witness nation before God is to remain loyal to the truth that all created beings are equally subservient to the One Creator of all. Every facet of our existence, including our ability to love and to worship belongs to God and to God alone. It is my duty as a Jew to testify to you that your heart belongs to the One Almighty God who loved your heart into existence in the first place.
There is no greater joy on earth than approaching your Creator in heartfelt prayer. You don’t need anyone to plead for you and you don’t need to bring Him a blood sacrifice. The One who lovingly created every facet of your existence will accept you. All you have to do is to trust in His love.
We completely agree with what this Rabbi says. Give a listen!

We completely agree with what this rabbi says. Give a listen!

"It is a rule in the UPCI that no licensed Minister may publicly contend for any view that may bring disunity to the organization" 
 What's wrong with this girl?  

"It's a joke son." ~ Foghon Leghorn  (the pic, not the article)

See: The New revised Covenant Of Christianity
by John Pringle
"God changed his mind about people having to follow his perfect (Psa 19:7) and eternal (Psa 119:152,160) laws and replaced them with a new system of faith in a human sacrifice." 

EPISODE 35 - 'ACTS Chapter 2' with Rabbi MICHAEL SKOBAC

UPDATE: The Holy Ghost Gives a Break to Answer Cell Phone?

"When I stopped studying the Bible in order to support what I believed, and started studying it in order to learn what to believe, I realized how wrong I was."

                                               A Child Parotting Speaking in Tongues


Hell…it is not what the KJV tells you it is

by David John Husband


Is teaching children about hell akin to child abuse?

I was reading Psalm 78 this morning and this verse stood out and started a train of thought that ended up in this note:

“Nevertheless, He, the Merciful One, is forgiving of iniquity and does not destroy: frequently He withdraws His anger, not rousing His entire wrath.”

As I read  this verse came to mind ‘but Thou wilt not leave his (it’s ‘my’ too many years of listening to Handel’s Messiah) soul in hell, neither wilt Thou suffer Thine Holy One to see corruption.”

As I read that, I was prompted to begin searching out what the KJV had to say and what the TaNaK had to say.   So, out came the Strong’s Concordance and the KJV (I don’t use it anymore)  and out came the TaNak and I began to check out the references to ‘hell’ and after only checking about half a dozen and finding that none of them were anything like how they are recorded in the TaNaK, I knew it was time to do some further study and also to write a note…so here we are.

As I was raised on a diet of ‘hell fire and damnation’,  writing this will hopefully prove to be a purgative.  I was raised in the same fear of hel that my late mother was.   When she had ‘sinned’,  she was taken to the open fire in the lounge and told ‘see that…that’s ice cream in hell’.  She grew up with an overt fear of fire, and often told me that she would have nightmares about it, waking up in the middle of the night screaming after some vivid nightmare; after which she would wake her father and get him to check the house to make sure it was safe.

This horrid ‘nt’ doctrine of hell  amongst many other ‘sacred cows’ of xtianity and messyanics needs to be slain, and I do trust that this will in some way be the means of helping some people realise that these cows can be slain for they are the product of deceivers. I came back to this paragraph to add this..>> Even typing these references out I can feel the old fear, and while I now believe so differently, these ‘feelings’ serve to measure how deep  the depths really are to which the fear has been deposited and laid down over decades of false teaching.
I will quote the KJV text first.  I wrestled with this for a while and knew it was the way to go, so we you can see the error first and then the truth. In some instances the preceding verse is quoted to give the correct context of the word ‘hell’ and accordingly the TaNaK is extended to give the truest picture possible. I will highlight the word ‘hell’ in the KJV.

There are twenty eight references in the KJV  Old Testament to ‘hell’ and it is Strong’s H7585 in every usage.  It means:

שְׁאֹל שְׁאוֹל
she’ôl   she’ôl
sheh-ole’, sheh-ole’
From H7592; hades or the world of the dead (as if a subterranean retreat), including its accessories and inmates: – grave, hell, pit.

As you will see, ‘hell’ is not the first choice of the translator, whereas hell, the second choice is!  Why?  To deceive, that is why.  Grave is word that is used in the TaNaK.  So, with ‘grave’ being the first choice word, why did they not use it?  To instill fear into the hearts of the readers, that is why;  fears that if people do not not accept the false messiah of christianity and messianics, then they are going to roast in hell!!  Roast in hell because they refuse to accept a demi-god?    There are of course references in the nt to ‘hell’, however, because it is not Scripture there is no point in using them.

So, let us commence.

1: KJV Deuteronomy  32:22 “For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.”

TaNaK   “For fire will have been kindled in My nostrils and blazed to the lowest depths.  It shall consume the earth and it’s produce, and set ablaze what is founded on the mountains.

NO mention of hell.

2: 2 Samuel  22:5-7   “When the waves of death compassed me, the floods of ungodly men made me afraid;  22:6 The sorrows of hell compassed me about; the snares of death prevented me;  22:7 In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears.”

TaNaK  “When the pains of death encircled me and torrents of godless men would frighten me, the pains of the grave surrounded me, the snares of death confronted me – in my distress I would call upon HASHEM, and to my God I would call.”

NO mention of hell.

3:  Job 11:7 – 8   “Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection?   11:8 It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? deeper than hell; what canst thou know?”

TaNaK  “Can you achieve an understanding of God?  Can you fathom the extent of the Almighty?  It is like the heights of heaven; what can you do [to understand]? It is deeper than the Pit; what can you know?”

NO mention of hell.

4: Job 26:6 “Hell is naked before him, and destruction hath no covering.”

TaNaK “The grave is naked, and there is no covering for doom;….”

NO mention of hell.

5: Psalm  9:17  “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

TaNaK Psalm 9:18  “The wicked will return to the depths of the grave, all the nations that forget God.”

NO mention of hell

6: Psalm 16:10 “For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.

TaNaK “Because You will not abandon my soul to the grave, You will not allow Your devout one to witness destruction.”

NO mention of hell.

7: Psalm 18:5  “The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented me.”

TaNaK   “The pains of death encircled me, and torrents of godless men would frighten me.”

NO mention of hell.

8: Psalm 55:15  “Let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness is in their dwellings, and among them.”

TaNaK Psalm 55:16 “May He incite death against them, may they descend to the grave alive; for evil is in their dwelling with them.”

NO mention of hell.

9 :Psalm 86:13 “For great is thy mercy toward me: and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell.”

TaNaK  “For Your kindness towards me is great, and You have rescued my soul from the nethermost depth..”

10: Psalm 116:3 “The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of hell gat hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow.”

TaNaK  “The pains of death encircled me; the confines of the grave have found me; distress and grief I would find.”

NO mention of hell.

11:  Psalm 139:8  “If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.”

TaNaK  “If I ascend to heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in the lowest depths, behold, You are there…..”

NO mention of hell.

12: Proverbs  5:5  “Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.

TaNaK  “Her feet lead to death; her footsteps support her to the grave”

No mention of hell.

 13:  Proverbs  7:27  “Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.”   

TaNaK   “Her house is the way to the grave, descending to the chambers of death.” 

NO mention of hell.

14:  Proverbs  9:18 “But he knoweth not that the dead are there; and that her guests are in the depths of hell.”

TaNaK  “But he does not know that dead men are there, those that she invites are in the deepest grave.”

NO mention of hell.

15:  Proverbs  15:11  Hell and destruction are before the LORD: how much more then the hearts of the children of men?”

TaNaK  “The grave and perdition are exposed to HASHEM, surely the hearts of men”

16:  Proverbs  15:24  The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hellbeneath.”

TaNaK   “A path of life [waits] above for the intelligent one, so that his soul will turn away from the grave below.”

NO mention of hell.

17:   Proverbs 23:14   Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul fromhell ”

TaNaK  “You should strike him with the rod and you will rescue his soul from the grave.”

NO mention of hell.

18: Proverbs  27:20   “Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied.”

TaNaK  “[As] the grave and Gehinnom are not sated [so]the eyes of man are not sated.”

NO mention of hell.

19: Isaiah  5:14  “Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.”

TaNaK  “Therefore, the nether-world has enlarged it’s appetite and opened its mouth wide without limit; and [into it] will descend her glory and the multitude and her horde, and whosoever revels within her.”

NO mention of hell.

20:  Isaiah  14:9    “Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.”

TaNaK   “The nether-world from below trembles for you to greet your arrival; it has awakened the giants for you, all the leaders of the world, it has raised all the kings of the land out of their thrones.”

NO mention of hell. 

21:  Isaiah  14:15   “Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.”

TaNaK   “But to the nether-world have you been lowered, to the bottom of the pit.”

NO mention of hell.

22:  Isaiah  28:15   “Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and withhell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:”

TaNaK  “For you say, “We have sealed a covenant with death, and made a compact with the Grave; when the surging staff [of punishment] passes through it will not come to us, for we have made Deceit our shelter and taken refuge in Falsehood.”

NO mention of hell.

23: Isaiah  57:9   “And thou wentest to the king with ointment, and didst increase thy perfumes, and didst send thy messengers far off, and didst debase thyself even unto hell. ”

TaNaK   “You sent a tribute of oil to the king and prepared numerous spice mixtures [for him]; you dispatched your agents afar, and you demeaned yourself as low as the grave.”

NO mention of hell.

24:  Ezekiel 31:16    “I made the nations to shake at the sound of his fall, when I cast him down to hell with them that descend into the pit: and all the trees of Eden, the choice and best of Lebanon, all that drink water, shall be comforted in the nether parts of the earth.”

TaNaK   “I made the nations tremble at the sound of his fall, when I brought him down to the grave with those who descend to the pit; then all the trees of Eden were comforted in the nethermost earth, the choicest and best of the Lebanon, all those that drink water.”

NO mention of hell.

25:   Ezekiel  32:27   “And they shall not lie with the mighty that are fallen of the uncircumcised, which are gone down to hell with their weapons of war: and they have laid their swords under their heads, but their iniquities shall be upon their bones, though they were the terror of the mighty in the land of the living.”

TaNaK  “They will not lie with the mighty, for they are inferior to those uncircumcised who have descended to the grave with their weapons of war, and they placed their swords under their heads; for their iniquities remain upon them, for the terror of [these] was in the Land of Life.”

NO mention of hell.

26: Amos 9:1-2  ” I saw the Lord standing upon the altar: and he said, Smite the lintel of the door, that the posts may shake: and cut them in the head, all of them; and I will slay the last of them with the sword: he that fleeth of them shall not flee away, and he that escapeth of them shall not be delivered.  9:2 Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, thence will I bring them down:”

TaNaK  “I saw the Lord standing upon the Altar, and He said: Strike the lintel and the side posts will quake ; and shatter the head of them all, and the rest of them I will slay by the sword; no fugitive among them will flee and no refugee among them will escape.  If they did down into the grave, from there My hand will take the; and if they ascend to the heavens, from there I will bring them down.”

NO mention of hell.

27:  Jonah  2:1-2  ” Then Jonah prayed unto the LORD his God out of the fish’s belly,  “And said, I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the LORD, and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice.”

TaNaK  Jonah 2:2-3  “Jonah prayed to HASHEM, his God, from the fish’s innards, and said: I called in my distress, to HASHEM, and He answered m: from the belly of the grave I cried out – You heard my voice.

NO mention of hell.

28:  Habbakuk  2:5   “Yea also, because he transgresseth by wine, he is a proud man, neither keepeth at home, who enlargeth his desire as hell, and is as death, and cannot be satisfied, but gathereth unto him all nations, and heapeth unto him all people:”

TaNaK   “The [man of] wine also acts treacherously; he is an arrogant man and does not stay at home.  He has widened his soul like the grave and, like death, he is not satisfied  He gathered unto himself all nations and assembled unto himself all the peoples.”

NO mention of hell.

So, why all this scaremongering by the nt authors??? Fear fear fear to keep us in bondage and to get us to accept the false messiah of either the christians or the messianics.

So without the kjv et al and of course the funny supplement (the nt) we would not have the fear of death that it has sown into the hearts of billions and caused just as many to believe in a fake messiah be that jesus or yeshua and dependent on whether you believe in a demi-god or not depends where you go at death!!   It matters not which one, for both are idolatrous and the idea of a god-man is rooted in mythology and has nothing at all to do with belief in the G-D of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob…NOTHING at all.

It is because of the centuries of nt conditioning that xtians and messyanics have sat through that we have this immense foundation of fear rooted deception that needs  to be broken up, and the only way that it can be broken up is to digest and digest the TaNaK, that is the antidote and good solid teaching by the likes of Rabbi Michael Skobac, Rabbi Tovia Singer  Rabbi Stuart Federow….If I have left your favorite RAbbi off, then it was not by design, so please forgive me.

The nt ‘hell’ is known as Gehinnom in the TaNaK and is a place of cleansing, nothing at all like what centuries of Sunday preaching has taught it to be.

If any christian or messianic reads this then I pray that HaShem will open your heart and your eyes to see that your fathers, like mine and many before me have been lied to.  Please read Jeremiah 16:19 from the TaNaK.

“HASHEM, my Strength, my Stronghold and my Refuge on the day of distress!  To You nations will come from the ends  of the earth and say:  “It was all falsehood that our ancestors inherited, futility that has no purpose.  Can a man make gods for himself? – they are not gods.”!

So,  what to do?  Buy a TaNaK and a TaNaK is not a kjv/et minus the nt, it is the Hebrew Scriptures, and see what our Scriptures say.  As you read. pray and pray and pray again, and you will be surprised at the truth that comes to light.   I know I was.

To the glory of HASHEM is this set forth, and with the prayer that many will be caused to question their belief in what they have been told hell is, because the truth is very different from the lies that we have been told.

All TaNaK Scriptures are from the Artscroll Stone edition of the TaNaK.

I want to thank HASHEM!  Blessed be His Set-Apart Name for inspiring me to write this.

I also want to thank a very good friend of mine in Arizona for prompting me to add some personal details to this article..Thank you.


There is no biblical basis for this teaching!

15027425_1306018759451025_7498620820334333046_nFriends, there is nothing just nor loving about this doctrine nor about a god who would create billions of beings solely to torture them throughout eternity. This is NOT the God of the Bible!

Know The Facts

  • There is no biblical basis for this teaching.
  • HaShem can do anything and He could easily make another option for those who do not accept His alleged way of salvation. Therefore if Hell existed it would be God sending people there (God forbid). Such a thing violates everything we know about Him.
  • There is no evidence that anyone from the Abrahamic traditions living in the first century C.E. conceived of such a post-life horror.
  • Many Pagans did believe in such horrors then and now and the Jews rightly viewed them as savages because of it.
  • Not a single person in the Gospel accounts ever challenged Jesus as to the origins of this non-Jewish teaching he allegedly taught. Surely some rabbi would have questioned it had Jesus actually taught it.
  • The doctrine directly challenges the biblical assurances that God is Loving and Just (example: Deuteronomy 32:4).
  • Most “Bible believing Christians” believe many unbiblical and even anti-biblical teachings. Constantine outlawed the Sabbath and replaced it with the day of the sun god. The wide acceptance of beliefs within Christendom do not make them biblical.

What the Bible Teaches.  See More at

‘For a religion who loves the Bible so much, it is very telling that the study of the Bible/Tanach in its original Hebrew is avoided and not promoted in any way. The reason Christians don’t study the Tanach/Bible in Hebrew is that many of the so-called “prophecies” of the NT would fall apart if examined in the original Hebrew.’



[5] TeNaK Talk

[6] A 5 part documentary of short videos exposing The Door as a cult. 

[8]  Unbiblical Hell Doctrine of the Roman Church