Chance Are, You and Your Family Will Wind Up in Hell!
“One of
First Baptist’s platinum tithers recently expressed a concern I've heard
frequently of late: "Brother Harry, given all the people who say they've
accepted Christ, will Heaven be overcrowded?" The answer, friends,
is absolutely not. Granted, we have no idea how large Heaven actually is,
but it doesn't matter, because there will be far fewer people in Heaven than
you might think. In fact, the vast majority of people you know will roast
in Hell instead.
know the first plunged into the smelly, hot bowels of Satan's abode will be the
members of the liberal cult. A cult is a group of individuals who share a
common, outlandish belief they are not willing to subject to rational
discourse. I am, of course, referring to those sacrilegious, blasphemous
liberals who think the Bible is a tiny pamphlet containing nothing more than
the verse, John 3:16. The liberal cultists say what you do wrong doesn't
make one iota of difference – as long as you say, "I accept Jesus,"
you're going to Heaven. Can you believe that? According to this
cult, once you say, "I accept Jesus," you can murder, rape, rob,
plunger, pillage, blow up churches and molest babies, and you're still going to
Heaven as though nothing happened, just 'cause you uttered the magic
words. Needless to say, the liberal cultists won't debate you on this,
because they know it makes no sense, hence making them cultists. But they
have to hold this belief, because they know it's the only hope they have to go
to Heaven despite their depraved, decadent, deviant, debauched, degenerate
Christians know that the Bible, Old and New Testaments combined, promises Hell
for countless sinners. And when you review the Bible in context, just
about everyone is going to Hell. Through the apostle, Paul, Jesus told us
the majority of so-called Christians cannot enter Heaven because of their sins
(and if you don't go to Heaven, the only place left is Hell). "Know
ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not
deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate,
nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor
drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God (1
Corinthians 6:9-10)." I don't know where the liberal cultists get off
suggesting otherwise. I haven't read any verse saying John trumps
Paul. Just because John's verse appears on more banners at college
football games doesn't make it preeminent. And under the long accepted
legal doctrine that the specific controls over the general, Paul's
pronouncement that these particular people are going to Hell is clearly an
exception to the general rule vaguely enunciated by John.
you consider Paul's words with the rest of the Bible, rest assured, there'll be
plenty of room for driving ranges in Heaven. Studies show the majority of
people have had premarital sex. (that’s Zenut for those in Boise) They're
condemned as fornicators. All those other than Christians are going to
Hell as idolaters (and that includes the Catholics who worship that harlot,
Mary, and the so-called "saints"). Studies show most people get
drunk at times, so they're out. And, of course, the sodomites are out
(but we knew that anyway, without Paul's words).
the Hell-bound group is even larger. Of the few people remaining, most of
them will go to Hell as adulterers. Matthew told us that anyone who lusts
after (has sexual thoughts about) someone to whom he is not married is an
adulterer (Matthew 5:28). Matthew also told us that anyone who divorces,
then remarries is committing adultery (as is the person the individual
marries)(Matthew 5:32). The majority of those who get married wind up
divorcing and remarrying at a later date. And the vast majority of people
have sexual thoughts about people other than their mates. We're now down
to very few people, indeed.
even if you think you're somehow in the clear, guess again. Not only are
individuals who marry a second time condemned, but so are their children, their
grandchildren, their great grandchildren, etc. Because their second
marriage is a nullity, any children of that marriage are illegitimate and are
thus condemned to the 10th generation (Deuteronomy 23:2). In other words,
not only must you make sure you do not engage in any of the sins Paul said
would ensure eternity aflame, you must hope none of your distant ancestors ever
divorced and conceived one of your great, great, great grandparents
out-of-wedlock or during the second (and unrecognized) marriage.
see, friends, Heaven is going to be a very select place, indeed -- more
exclusive than even the best of country clubs. Now, I know some of you
may find these condemnations a bit disheartening, but you really
shouldn't. After all, God told us centuries ago that children would be
slaughtered for the sins of their parents (Isaiah 14:21-22). Plus, these
condemned people will be joined in Hell by individuals who did nothing wrong in
their lives because they had no lives. God said not only that we are all
born in sin, but that we are conceived in sin as well (Genesis 5:3; Job 15:14;
25:4; Psalms 51:5). In light of that sin, we have no hope of reaching
Heaven unless and until we accept Jesus. Unfortunately, many never have
that opportunity. I am, of course, speaking of all the unborn children
who die in the womb or during delivery, the SIDS children, all the children who
die before they reach the age at which they can understand Jesus, the mentally challenged
who don't have the capacity to know Jesus, and all those third world residents
the missionaries never reached with the good news of our lord. What a
shame that all of these individuals must spend forever in flames. Let us
pray that Satan takes it easy on them in the hereafter. In Jesus' name we
pray, Amen.”