The Nazarene Radio Network
A respected Rabbi once said; "No one should read anything by James Trimm unless they are doing a study on false religions."
Major Change at Nazarene Radio Network
[update 12/9/2012]
Most of us have heard about the pastor who was known for his great humility. In fact, he was so humble that his church gave him a medal for his humility and the first time he wore the medal the church took it away from him.
Many religious people are very proud of their humility! They flaunt it for
all to see!
There is one simple guiding principle about humility: It involves not
having the need to be or appear to be more than we are.
A hypocrite is one who
pretends to be better than he really is; a humble person is content with being
who he really is.
A proud person is un-teachable, he thinks “he knows it all,”
whereas a humble person has a teachable attitude. He knows he doesn’t know it
Do you know anyone who has a “know it all” attitude? Are they liked?
Probably not. Are proud people good listeners? Usually not. Do proud people
inspire loyalty in you? Probably not. Do proud people learn what God wants them
to learn? No, they are not teachable. Do proud people know that others don’t
like them before it’s too late? Usually not. Do proud people experience God’s Divine Light in their lives? Absolutely not!
Viewing failure as a friend and constructive criticism as a gift to help you improve.
Antisemitic Nonsense of Nazerene Radio Network
Major Change at Nazarene Radio Network
Posted by James Trimm on September 6, 2012 at 12:00am
First of all I want to thank Christopher Fredrickson for his dedication as programming director of the Nazarene Radio Network for over a year now. Chris has put in many hours of volunteer work each week and we greatly appreciate it. In what Chris described as a "tough decision" he has decided after the 15th to leave NRN, to pursue other things. The station has just become to time consuming for him to continue running. Again we want to thank Chris for all of his efforts to build NRN.
As of the 15th of the month, I will be taking over operations of the Nazarene Radio Network directly and I will be serving as programming director.
We will continue to have quality programming, with quality teaching 24/7, we will also continue to have Old Time Radio on Sundays, and even have some new ideas for the future.
Now more than ever we need your financial support.
Donations have been very low the last couple of weeks. The fact is that it costs money to carry on (the four letter name)[4] work. And today's high-tech world is making it possible like never before for us to reach vast masses over great distances virtually instantaneously!
proclamation of the restoration truth of Torah and Messiah is a task
of gigantic proportions, but it requires money. (the four letter
name)[4] , in His infinite wisdom has provided for this financing, and
in such manner that His true called laborers can be free to serve Him
alone, carrying His Message boldly. Just as we would expect, this
plan is plainly revealed in His Word.
hates the tithe, he wants to steal the blessings that (the four
letter name) has in store for us, and he wants to destroy the work
of (the four letter name)[4] . He is terrified at the thought of
Nazarenes all over the world tithing. If we wish to stand against
HaSatan we must start by getting serious about the Tithe. Go ahead...
test (the four letter name)[4] and see if he does not repay you seven
fold in His blessings! [3]
HaSatan [3] wishes "to steal and to kill and to destroy" (Jn. 10:10) and he knows the time is short and has stepped up his war with those who proclaim both Torah Observance and Faith in Messiah (the two pillars of Nazarene Judaism) (Rev. 12:12, 17; 13:7). But no weapon forged against us will prosper (Is. 54:17).
Help us keep the vision alive!
To pay a tithe or give a freewill offering, go to $$$.COM click on the Pay Pal box and give as He has given you. (You can also donate directly thru PayPal by sending paypal donations to donations
Shalom Chaverim,
The enemy will do everything he can to keep you from reading this email. Perhaps he already has. [3]
I need your help. I am asking you to step up to the plate and:
Support NazareneSpace.[1]
Support the Nazarene Radio Network.
Support the Worldwide Nazarene Assembly of Elohim.
Support our research on Hebrew and Aramaic New Testament Origins
Support our outreach to bring Jewish people to Messiah. [2]
Support our new outreach to the Hasidic Jewish Community.
Support our call to Christendom to come out of Babylon.
Support the Davar Bible School free Corespondance Course.
Support the Restoration of the Ancient Sect of the Nazarenes!
Help us keep the vision alive!
We have an electric bill due and must pay by Monday to avoid shut off. We must raise at least $300 to keep the power on.
We are seven days into September, 25% into the month, and only $200 has come into our paypal account so far this month! I cannot recall a time when donations were this low.
If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work, now is the time to step up to the plate, as we are in a budget shortfall.
Do not count on someone else to do your part, you do your part.
Is this work worthy of your support? What other ministry provides this kind of teaching?
What other ministry is reaching the Jewish people with Messiah like this ministry is?
Now is time to step up to the plate!
Support NazareneSpace.[1]
Support the Nazarene Radio Network.
Support the Worldwide Nazarene Assembly of Elohim.
Support our research on Hebrew and Aramaic New Testament Origins
Support our outreach to bring Jewish people to Messiah. [2]
Support our new outreach to the Hasidic Jewish Community.
Support our call to Christendom to come out of Babylon.
Support the Davar Bible School free Corespondance Course.
Support the Restoration of the Ancient Sect of the Nazarenes!
Help us keep the vision alive!
We have an electric bill due and must pay by Monday to avoid shut off. We must raise at least $300 to keep the power on.
We are seven days into September, 25% into the month, and only $200 has come into our paypal account so far this month! I cannot recall a time when donations were this low.
If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work, now is the time to step up to the plate, as we are in a budget shortfall.
Do not count on someone else to do your part, you do your part.
Is this work worthy of your support? What other ministry provides this kind of teaching?
What other ministry is reaching the Jewish people with Messiah like this ministry is?
Now is time to step up to the plate!
"Do not attach yourself to the earth, and con men who masquerade as holy men. Such men claim to have the answer when, in reality, they only seek to control while acquiring disciples and fame. They will wreak havoc in your life and you will end up miserable. Unfortunately, most forms of spirituality available today provide man with illusion and deception of an untrue reality. They twist the perception of those who are vulnerable and mentally weak, and create the necessary illusions that will support their unhealthy illusionary wish that creates comfort within their hearts and minds. The wise among us turn away from false prophets and practices, and turn our attention and intuition toward HaShem."
Definition of FRAUD
Published on Dec 9, 2012
Christopher talks with Andrew Gabriel Roth (The Translator of the Aramaic English New Testament) about what makes this translation different than the Greek based and other Hebrew Roots Bibles. They discuss the history of the Khabouris Codex, how it was translated to English, and what prompted Andrew to translate the New Testament from the Aramaic.
(Part 2, which will be posted later, deals with the translation errors in the Greek)
Purchase the AENT at: (In Australia)
Use the Promo Code: NazareneMedia and get a discount on the 5th edition of the AENT from December 10th-December 17th 2012
(Part 2, which will be posted later, deals with the translation errors in the Greek)
Purchase the AENT at: (In Australia)
Use the Promo Code: NazareneMedia and get a discount on the 5th edition of the AENT from December 10th-December 17th 2012
[2] Jews have nothing to convert to nor from! Jews are the eternally Elect of HaShem . They have not and will not ever be replaced (Malachi 3:6). . This is Roman Nicene Christian Dogma. See: The Constantine Creed
[3] The Lucifer Myth
Judaism does not view the word “Satan” with the same connotation as other religions. Satan in Judaism is not a physical being, ruling the underworld or hell.
Tempted By A Tiny Spark Of Light
Question: How is it possible that someone could use Kabbalah and the Torah egoistically? Can someone who doesn't possess a spiritual screen and the force of bestowal draw the force of the Upper Light for his own sake? Isn't there is a whole system of worlds and restrictions to prevent us from receiving the Light egoistically?
Dr. Laitman's Answer: If you pick up
the Torah and wish to receive power from it, you will get it since you are reading the primary source related to the spiritual world. It was written by a person who was in the process of attaining the Upper World. If you use it individually, in order to fill your egoism, for the sake of your own purposes, then you are using only a miniscule amount of the force it contains.
Even still, we do see how much more egoistical it makes people when the place of the "mistress" is taken by the "handmaid." A person not only doesn't receive correction from it, he becomes even worse! He thinks that now he owns this world and the future one, and that he deserves a reward; he feels proud before others and considers himself a chosen one, who is above them.
It is the Torah who is doing this to him; it becomes a deadly narcotic for such person. If, however, he wishes to use the Torah correctly, he does so in the group that builds itself as a common soul, as written about when receiving the Torah: as one man with one heart. This is the kind of engagement for which the Torah is given; otherwise, we are warned: In it there will be the place of your (spiritual) death!